The Covid Sports Project is written alongside graphics of balls and viruses.

A Critical Analysis of Sports and COVID-19

The COVID Sports Project is a digital hub of multimedia resources exploring the connections between sports and the COVID-19 pandemic through a critical sociological lens.

The website has three main components:

A timeline documenting major events and controversies from the world of sports that informed perspectives on COVID-19.

A series of a podcasts analyzing significant themes tying COVID-19 and sports together – including some issues largely absent from dominant narratives.

A resource library listing relevant sources from academic research and popular media that examine the COVID-Sports nexus.

While the COVID-19 pandemic impacted sports across diverse contexts and levels of participation, the resources compiled here focus primarily on the realm of elite sports. The high profile status of professional sports leagues and international mega-events – as well as media coverage detailing the COVID experiences of elite athletes – generated powerful modes of collective meaning-making that shaped understandings of pandemic life.

The analysis is especially attentive to social inequalities that have been generated or intensified by COVID-19 and shows how critical insights gained from the pandemic can help promote equity and justice within and beyond sports.

This website can be used as a research tool, a classroom resource, or a venue for reflection on the connections between COVID-19, sports, and social change.